Obtaining Copies of Case Documents
Case documents can be obtained in a variety of ways.
Registered users for Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) can access copies of case documents and print them directly from PACER. To register, you must complete an online application. There is no fee to register for PACER, but there is a nominal fee to access records once logged in.
From the Clerk's Office
Electronic Requests
The Clerk's Office can provide copies of case documents for cases filed after December 1, 2003, upon request. To request copies from the Clerk's Office, you may visit the Clerk's Office or submit a request electronically. To submit an electronic request, download and fill out this PDF form and then e-mail it to copies@ohsb.uscourts.gov. The Clerk's Office will return copies to the e-mail address provided within one to two business days.
Public Terminals
Alternatively, you can visit the Clerk's Office nearest to you and view those same filings for free on the public terminals. Document printed from the public terminal are charged $0.10 per page.
From the National Archives
The National Archives maintains an archive of closed bankruptcy cases filed in paper format. However, there is no guarantee that those records have been retained, and your records may have been destroyed in accordance with approved disposition schedules.
To request a copy of a document stored at the National Archive, first contact the Clerk's Office to determine the location of the document. The Clerk's Office will be able to provide you with the necessary information to take to the National Archive to complete your request.
From Your Attorney
If you were represented by an attorney in a bankruptcy case, they may have certain copies of documents as well.