Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing
Email and Fax Notices
The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Ohio is now offering a new way for you to receive bankruptcy notices from the Court. You can now choose to receive overnight bankruptcy notices via internet email or by fax. Electronic noticing by these methods will provide notices much faster than the postal service, and it's free.
Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (EBN) is provided by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC). Detailed information about this service is available at bankruptcynotices.uscourts.gov. For noticing via email, the notice will be sent to you in Adobe's PDF format (the PDF-reader can be downloaded for free at Adobe's website, www.adobe.com). Your email provider must also support the return receipt function so that the BNC can verify that you received the notice. There is an easy-to-use test utility built into the web site so that you can quickly verify whether your email provider supports return receipts. If you currently are without an email provider or your service does not support the return-receipt function, a list of EBN-compliant email providers is also available at the web site.
To begin receiving notices electronically, you need only complete an Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing Agreement and submit it to the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC). The necessary forms can be found at bankruptcynotices.uscourts.gov. The Court has delegated subscriber registration to the BNC. Do not send your noticing agreement to the Court. Complete instructions are included with the form. All you need to do is choose whether to receive notices by email or fax, give the required information, and send it to the BNC at the address provided. If you have any questions, the BNC can assist you at 877.837.3424.
Although participation is voluntary, the Court is encouraging as many of its noticing recipients as possible to take advantage of electronic noticing. Unlike traditional mail service, electronic noticing is more reliable because receipt is verified by the BNC, and it's more convenient because the notices arrive much sooner than postal mail and come right to your computer or fax machine.