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Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Conduct

The Federal Judiciary is committed to a workplace of respect, civility, fairness, tolerance, and dignity, free of discrimination and harassment. These values are essential to the Judiciary, which holds its Judges and Employees to the highest standards. All Judges and Employees are expected to treat each other accordingly.

Employment Dispute Resolution Plan

The Employment Dispute Resolution Plan provides options for the reporting and resolution of allegations of wrongful conduct (discrimination, sexual, racial, or other discriminatory harassment, abusive conduct, and retaliation) in the workplace.

Contact Information

Local EDR Coordinators

Margaret Bowling 513-684-3201
Kristin Wehrmann 614-469-7751

Sixth Circuit Director of Workplace Relations

Lauren Mai 513-564-7203

National Office of Judicial Integrity

Michael Henry, Judicial Integrity Officer 202-502-1603

Judicial Conduct and Disability

Under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act and the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings, anyone can file a complaint alleging a federal judge has committed misconduct or has a disability.