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Reminder of CM/ECF Filing Error and Action Required

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Public Notice

As previously announced on December 13, 2023, an error will occasionally occur in CM/ECF when two case transactions are submitted simultaneously. When this error occurs, users will be warned after docketing is completed that “[t]he transaction you submitted has already been accepted and posted by this system.”

This screen can mislead users into believing that their filing has been accepted by CM/ECF when, in fact, docketing may not have been completed. This issue continues to affect courts nationwide and it is unknown when it will be resolved.

Until a permanent resolution is available, the Court strongly encourages users who receive the above warning message to verify that their filing was correctly submitted by checking the case docket. If the filing is on the docket, no further action is needed. However, if the filing does not appear, users must promptly resubmit it.

For clarification or questions regarding this issue, please contact the Clerk’s Office.

Richard Jones
Clerk, United States Bankruptcy Court